Sunday, 16 January 2011

Tuesday 11/1/11

Had a great day at Fantasy of Flight on Tuesday including meeting the owner, Kermit Weeks. Ange and Clair enjoyed their backstage tour and now know even more about the workings of Disney World. Ric and Fabio hit the water parks but it was a little cold for them to stay all day.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Monday 10th

After more Disney treats at EPCOT yesterday, Test Track, Soarin', Space Ship Earth and walking twice round the world, it was off to Universal Studios today to see Harry Potter. After a 30 minute line it was onto the ride and 5 minutes of terror :o It only broke down once while we were on it! Then into Hogsmeade for some Butterbeer and listen to the Frog Choir.

Off to Fantasy of Flight tomorrow for the Gibbos and Ange and Clair go on the backstage tour of Magic Kingdom and Ric and Fabio visit Wet'nWild.

Reports and pictures to follow......

Saturday, 8 January 2011

What a Day!

Lunch at Crystal Palace with Piglet, Pooh, Eeyore and Tigger was brilliant...

Mr Incredible and Frozone, what can I say!

At the Drive in... Watching 50's Sci-Fi, yum the ribs are great.

Lunch with an Astronaut :)

Finally we have managed to get to the Blog! Lunch with an Astronaut at NASA was great, another good day. :) Most of the party were launched in a Shuttle and I went to the viewing room to watch them.... :D such fun! Their expressions were legendary. So if they need any volunteers for the next mission, here they are!

Later we will be publishing Wal-mart's I have visited..

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Day off Disney

Slight technical hitch with blog updating as the expected wi-fi connection is missing! Anyway we've done 3 Disney parks plus Downtown Disney so far :-) We're having a day off Disney today to do some shopping & sight seeing around Orlando.

We'll try & get some pics up later including Mum meeting Piglet & Mr Incredible!!


Saturday, 1 January 2011

Checked In!

Just done our online check in - seemed to go ok :-)
Not getting very far with the packing but now I have printed the important stuff - see pic - I will concentrate!

See you real soon!